Thanksgiving & Cold Weather Safety Tips for Pets
It’s the time of year when families and friends gather around the table to feast and celebrate everything they’re thankful for. Your pets can be part of the festivities, too, and a few simple things to remember, your pets can have a happy Thanksgiving, too.
If you’re serving turkey, or any other meaty main dishes, make sure to discard the leftover bones into the garbage, and not into your pet’s food dish. The bones from turkey and other meats can be choking hazards to your pets, and the bones can splinter and those sharp edges can perforate your pet’s stomach lining. This can lead to an emergency situation.
Also, keep your guests in check when they try to slip scraps to your pet on the sly. They may think it’s harmless, but certain foods are poisonous to animals. Garlic, macadamia nuts, onions, grapes, raisins, chocolate, and foods containing artificial sweeteners like xylitol, are toxic to pets. Keep pet-friendly treats and toys on hand so your pet can be part of the festivities.
Now that it’s getting colder, keep a close eye on your pet when you let him outside. Pets may be covered in fur, but sometimes that’s not enough to keep them warm. Plus, the tips of their ears, noses, and paws are susceptible to frostbite. If you notice your pet is shivering, or his paws are swollen and red, bring him inside immediately. Call us right away so we can instruct you on how to properly warm your pet up. If the frostbite is severe, bring him in to our practice immediately so we can treat your pet.
Consider giving your cat or dog a sweater to wear outdoors, and if your pet spends lots of time outside, make sure there’s plenty of fresh water, food, and an insulated shelter that will protect them from the elements.
If you’d like more fall tips or other health tips for your pet, give us a call!